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Saturday, October 25, 2008

Unique Links

New addition to our blog.
Every once and a while we come upon a unique and interesting site that effects us in a special way. Sometimes we email the web address to everyone or just enjoy the site and move on. I just added something called "Unique Links" to our Blog to record such sites. After reading the latest Conde Nast Traveler I again found myself wishing I could be on a plane to somewhere. ..anywhere. One article had mini biographies of photographers most powerful travel experiences. Gregory Colberts mixture of art, wild animals and the human subject really inspired me. Enjoy his site!
Ashes and Snow.
~If you have a unique site to share let me know~

1 comment:

Howard and Brenda said...

I enjoyed the photography from the following site and thought you might as is nice to think about Jesus as a real person, really on this earth.

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